This work combines images from different cameras in different environments as well as documentary techniques to convey abandonment and its effects. By employing the use of not only my school-issued camera but also my own drone, I found myself in a position where I could take photos of just about anything I could set my mind to.
There are places everywhere worthy of documentation. Whether it is a location closed for the season or permanently deserted, many can sense a palpable energy and stillness in the space. There is something captivating about an empty cove devoid of boats, a shuttered storefront no longer accepting customers, or a silent corn maze with no one inside.
Many abandoned places hold a unique significance to those who venture down the paths long since traveled. Once the purpose of a location becomes absent, it commonly falls into disuse and disparity before being ransacked by looters and vandals. These thoughtless actions can obscure the natural essence of the location once held.
With modern technology, capturing photos of these places trapped in time has never been simpler. Journeys like these do not require an abundance of equipment and breaking the bank. Armed with flashlights, cameras, phones, and drones, exploration of the places hiding in your backyard could not be more obtainable for anyone looking to get outside. Inspired by these works, I have prospects to take on future projects in the same genre. I hope to continue to seek out abandoned places and other locations that deserve further documentation. As a Communications major focusing on Film Production, I hope to incorporate these techniques into video documentaries as well.